Some people are cruel, but... 



It is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven.  (2 Thes 1:6-7)


What the Bible says  -  You still must love them  Our proper response  -  Examples   -  Old Testament only


WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS  (click on the underlined verses to read them)

Vengeance is for the Lord to give.  We should rather show love to our enemies.  Rom 12:17-21

God understands the terrible wickedness of people, and He will take vengeance.  Psalm 94:1-23

God preserves the faithful, and fully repays the proud.  Psalm 31:23-24

The only way to understand injustice is with an eternal Godly perspective. Psalm 73:12-20

In God's perspective, a person's life is very short, and then comes judgment.   Psalm 90:3-12

God will judge and take vengeance on those who trouble you and those that do not know Him.  2 Thes 1:5-10

Our suffering now is evidence of the righteousness of God's judgment later when he takes vengeance justly.  2 Thes 1:4-10

All people will die once and then face judgment.  Heb 9:27-28

People's days are like a flower - it flourishes, then is blown away.  Isaiah 40:5-8 Psalm 103:15-22

Men and their glory will wither away like the grass. 1 Peter 1:22-25,  James 1:9-11

God will judge the people.  The wicked will be eaten.  Isaiah 51:5-8

God will make a sudden end of all who sin at the great day of the Lord.  Zeph 1:17-18

The wicked will be cut off.  Psalm 37:32-40

At the Messiah's coming, He will burn his enemies .  Psalm 97:1-6

The promised Messiah will strike the earth and slay the wicked.  Isaiah 11:1-5

Even those in Heaven are told to wait for God's judgment and vengeance. Rev 6:11



We should show love to our enemies.  Vengeance is for the Lord to give.   Rom 12:17-21  (See Love)

We should remember the suffering Jesus endured from others - and for us.  Heb 12:3  (see examples)

We should not rejoice when our enemy has problems.  It is for God to deal with wrath.  Prov 24:17-20

We should give to our enemy when there is a need and let God take care of rewards and punishment.  Prov 25:22

We should bless those who persecute us.  Rom 12:14

We should seek the Lord, as well as righteousness and humility - then we may be safe in the day of God's anger.  Zeph 2:1-3

We should wait on the Lord and trust Him.  Psalm 37:18-40

We should not fear the wicked.    Psalm 49:5-9

We should not fear the reproach of men or their insults.  Isaiah 51:5-8

When we suffer, we should commit our souls to God, the Judge, in doing good.  1 Pet 4:19



We should follow Christ's example of not retaliating and committing Himself to Him who judges.  1 Pet 2:21-25

Jesus was oppressed and afflicted - yet He did not open His mouth.  Isa 53:7-10  (Read how Jesus suffered:  Matt 27:27-31,   Luke 22:41-44 John 19:17, Isa 53:1-12 )

Even when dying, Jesus' heart was loving toward His enemies.  Luke 23:33-36

Steven, also, when he was being stoned was loving toward his persecutors.  Acts 7:59-60

Jeremiah was mocked and persecuted, yet he knew that God would carry out His vengeance.  Jer 20:7-13

David had many enemies.  He was silent and prayed and put his hope in the Lord. Psalm 38:12-22

Even when David loved his enemies, they hated him.  David responded with prayer.  Psalm 110:1-7 

Example of David's prayer: Asking for mercy, praising God, and trusting that God would deliver him from his enemies.  Psalm 110:25-31

David had many tears because of his enemies.  When he was afraid, he trusted in God and praised Him.  Psalm 56:2-11

David waited silently for God alone who was his rock, defense, refuge and salvation.  Psalm 62:1-12



God understands the terrible wickedness of people, and He will take vengeance.  Psalm 94:1-23

God preserves the faithful, and fully repays the proud.  Psalm 31:23-24

The only way to understand injustice is with an eternal Godly perspective. Psalm 73:12-20

In God's perspective, a person's life is very short, and then comes judgment.   Psalm 90:3-12

People's days are like a flower - it flourishes, then is blown away.  Isaiah 40:5-8 Psalm 103:15-22

God will judge the people.  The wicked will be eaten.  Isaiah 51:5-8

God will make a sudden end of all who sin at the great day of the Lord.  Zeph 1:17-18

The wicked will be cut off.  Psalm 37:32-40

At the Messiah's coming, He will burn his enemies .  Psalm 97:1-6

The promised Messiah will strike the earth and slay the wicked.  Isaiah 11:1-5

We should not rejoice when our enemy has problems.  It is for God to deal with wrath.  Prov 24:17-20

We should give to our enemy when there is a need and let God take care of rewards and punishment.  Prov 25:22

We should seek the Lord, as well as righteousness and humility - then we may be safe in the day of God's anger.  Zeph 2:1-3

We should wait on the Lord and trust Him.  Psalm 37:18-40

We should not fear the wicked.    Psalm 49:5-15

We should not fear the reproach of men or their insults.  Isaiah 51:5-8

Jesus was oppressed and afflicted - yet He did not open His mouth.  Isa 53:7-10

Jeremiah was mocked and persecuted, yet he knew that God would carry out His vengeance.  Jer 20:7-13

David had many enemies.  He was silent and prayed and put his hope in the Lord. Psalm 38:12 -22

Even when David loved his enemies, they hated him.  David responded with prayer.  Psalm 110:1-7

Example of David's prayer: Asking for mercy, praising God, and trusting that God will deliver him from his enemies.  Psalm 110:25-31

David had many tears because of his enemies.  When he was afraid, he trusted in God and praised Him.  Psalm 56:2-11

David waited silently for God alone who was his rock, defense, refuge and salvation.  Psalm 62:1-12




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