He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death." (Matt 26:37-38)
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS (click on the underlined verses to read them)
He was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Isa 53:3 (See all of Isaiah 53)
Because He suffered as a man, He cried out with tears to His Father. Heb 5:7-8 (We plan to add a section on Jesus as God).
People spat at Him, hit Him, and mocked Him. Matt 26:67-68, Matt 27:27-32, Matt 27:36-44, Luke 23:8-11
He was crucified. Matt 27:27-56, Mark 15:16-41, Luke 23:26-49, John 19:1-37
On the cross, He was forsaken (or felt forsaken) by His Heavenly Father, whom He was obeying. Matt 27:27-56 (See Christ's Obedience)
He felt the pain of anticipating His crucifixion and the corresponding spiritual battle. Luke 12:50, Matt 17:12, Matt 16:21, Matt 17:22-23, Matt 20:17-19, Mark 10:32-34, Luke 9:43-45, Luke 18:31-34
As a man, He dreaded the terrible trial ahead. Matt 26:36-38, Luke 22:39-54 (See in context: Matt 26:36-56, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-54)
Even before His crucifixion, He had no earthly dwelling that He regarded as home. Luke 9:57-58
He felt physical weariness. John 4:6
suffered the anguish of temptation just as we do.
He felt deep compassion for those in need. Matt 9:36-38, Mark 6:34
He wept when Lazarus died. John 11:33-37
He wept over Jerusalem because the people were blind to their coming destruction - and to His salvation. Luke 19:41-44
People did not understand His loving sacrifice - that He would die for their sins. Isa 53:8 (See all of Isaiah 53)
He was misunderstood by His own hometown and relatives. Mark 6:3-6
He had no stately form or majesty that people would be attracted to Him. Isa 53:2, Isa 52:13-15 (See all of Isaiah 53)
He was despised by men. Isa 53:3 (See this verse in context: Isaiah 53)
He was betrayed by a close friend (Judas). John 13:21, Luke 22:2-6, Luke 22:47-48, Matt 26:47-50, Matt 26:14-16
At the peak of His suffering, even His disciples forsook Him and fled. Matt 26:56 (See in context: Matt 26:36-56)
People hated Him without a cause. John 15:22-25, John 7:6-8
People falsely attributed His works as Satan's. Matt 12:23-24, Mark 3:21-23, Luke 11:14-16
People thought that He had a demon. John 8:48-59
He was falsely classified as a glutton and a winebibber. Matt 11:18-19
Men despised Him and nations abhorred Him. Isa 49:6-7
He was turned away. Matt 8:34, Mark 5:17, Luke 8:37
His own people, whom He created, did not receive Him. John 1:10-13
They thought He was out of His mind. Mark 3:21-23
Leaders plotted against Him. Matt 22:15, Matt 26:3-5, Mark 3:6, Mark 11:19, Luke 20:20, John 5:15-18, John 11:57
Even before the crucifixion, people attempted to kill Him. Luke 4:28-30
Knowing the murderous intentions of the spiritual leaders, He sometimes had to withdraw. Matt 12:14-15, Luke 13:31, John 7:1
Even as small child, His life was sought, and His family had to leave their own country. Matt 2:13-15
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